
December 2021

December 2021

Home » Newsletter » December 2021
Release 10- Year-III 2021


  • The Very Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet (VLCK) is being increasingly adopted to fight obesity in the healthiest way possible.
    Progen Weight Management came up with a new method called “Progen Method”. It is a European medical treatment for fast weight loss, without hunger and feeling energetic. The protocol is based on a Very-Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet, that allows you to safely lose weight at the exclusive expense of fat, preserving muscle mass and avoiding the rebound effect.
  • Growing High with Humility.
    Our primary aim with the new website is to provide an easier way to gain information about Alonso India as well as the Group Alonso (Alonso Group) activities and service offerings. Our present and prospective clients will find useful information about the Shipping Industry and a deeper understanding about the Alonso India service verticals.
  • LaLiga, Vicente Ferrer Foundation inaugurate first residential women’s academy in India.
    Vicente Ferrer Foundation, through the Rural Development Trust (RDT), has launched the first residential academy for girls in Anantapur. 20 girls, aged under 15, all from the region’s rural communities, have been selected for a programme.
  • Role of new age technologies in the field of law.
    According to the Article written by Mr. Rahul Chadha (managing partner) & Mr. Neeraj Prakash (partner) from Chadha & Co. on “Recent developments in technology have enabled the legal profession to automate various processes and operate more like a services business, than the ‘profession’ that it is. The efficiencies that technology have enabled have resulted in improved service levels, higher quality, and in some cases, a reduction in legal costs for clients”.
  • Addressing sexual harassment in the virtual workplace.
    According to the Article in People Matters by [Chadha & Co.] The workplace sexual harassment is the most predominant type of violence against women and girls worldwide and adversely affects employees’ physical and psychological health, disturbs employment trajectories, and reduces financial prosperity. A large number of women reported being subjected to new forms of sexual harassment online such as “zoom-bombing”

Past & Next Events

  • Quarterly Meeting: ISCC quarterly meeting was held on 17th September 2021.
  • Webinar: ISCC participated along with all Asian Spanish Chambers abroad in a Webinar organized by FEDECOM APAC about “Oportunidades de negocio en APAC para compañías españolas después de la pandemia” (in Spanish language), on 29th September 2021.
  • EU AGM & Board Meeting: ISCC was given a board level seat representing Spain in the Council of EU Chambers Of Commerce in India (EU Chambers), participated in AGM, Board Meeting and attended annual conference on 29th September 2021.
  • Cocktail & Dinner: : ISCC organized a cocktail and dinner in Delhi, on 30th Sept 2021.
  • ISCC invited to participate members in the aid initiative by “Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade for internationalization (ICEX), LOCALIZA 2021, aimed at supporting the establishment or long term consolidation of Spanish SMEs outside the geographical boundaries of the member states of the European Union”.
  • Webinar: Webinar organized by ICEX, Indo Spanish Chamber of Commerce and the Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Mumbai about “Gestión de Cobros y Pagos en transacciones comerciales en India” (in Spanish language), on 7th October 2021.
  • Event : ISCC participated in the Networking event organized by FEDECOM APAC for members of Spanish Chambers in APAC pertaining consultancy industry on 27th October 2021.
  • Quarterly Meeting: ISCC AGM was held on 19th November 2021.

New Members - now We are 66!

The Indo-Spanish Chamber of Commerce is a private, non-profit organization where Spanish and Indian business firms exchange knowledge and experience on how best to confront the challenges of operating in India. Working together, the Chamber helps its members to connect their business with other businesses and with opportunities. Endorsed by the Spanish Government, the Chamber enhances economic ties between Spain and India.